
Conviva Announces Streaming Platform Expansion Solving Audience Me…

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Conviva, the continuous measurement platform for streaming media, today announces the availability of its technology and real-time data to enable end-to-end advertising audience measurement for its publisher customers and their ecosystem partners.

Conviva’s global streaming audience measurement technology promises to deliver unique, innovative, and industry-changing solutions based on:

Session-level and census-level measurement

Antiquated third-party web technologies like beacons, logs, pixels or outdated and inaccurate panel methodologies are incapable of dealing with today’s complex device fragmentation. Conviva’s Stream Sensor™ provides continuous collection of every single session using standardized data collection and processing techniques for both session-level and census-level comprehensiveness. This provides a foundation of complete, comprehensive, uniform data that the entire ecosystem can rely on for accurate audience measurement, by eliminating inaccuracies within statistical inferences.

Future-proofed identity

Identity, a necessary pillar for accurate advertising audience measurement, is increasingly unstable due to privacy-regulations, third-party interference, and the rapid growth of anonymized ad-supported viewership. Conviva’s Stream ID™ provides consistent, persistent, accurate identity solutions using the best available first-party data possible, while still accommodating consumer choice and privacy regulations globally.

Ecosystem interoperability

In order to operate effectively in the complex world of audience measurement, content syndication, and cross-platform measurement, publishers must be able to activate their streaming data and audience with multiple ecosystem partners. Conviva’s platform expansion supplying Stream ID, and the Stream Sensor data it carries, are built using a common identity model that creates ecosystem interoperability, from both content partners and ecosystem activation destinations.

Publisher control

For the first time in the history of digital media, premium publishers are now in full control of their streaming data and audience, no longer relying on ‘currency tax’ vendors. This will help the premium publisher ecosystem compete effectively against the hegemony of walled gardens by giving advertisers the audience and context they need to address brand safety concerns.

Conviva certification

Conviva is fully committed to participating in the complete audit and accreditation processes including the Media Ratings Council (MRC) in the U.S. and other relevant industry auditing bodies globally, to certify new census-level standards that surpass any statistical inference accuracy certifications. This vital step ensures that data collection and reporting standards are upheld, to provide brands and agencies confidence in the accuracy of Conviva's audience measurement and reporting.

Conviva’s evolution is being led by the company’s recently-appointed President and CEO, Keith Zubchevich, a streaming industry veteran with more than a decade at Conviva. In his previous role as Chief Strategy Officer, Zubchevich worked closely with customers to understand their pain points and drive Conviva’s innovation to solve them, relationships that continue to inform his strategy as CEO.

“Today Conviva is already underfoot with premium publishers, collecting 3 trillion streaming events daily with insight into 500 million unique viewers globally,” comments Zubchevich. “The fact is Conviva has already solved for the incredibly complex challenge of standardized, census-level streaming measurement and is now working with our premium publishers and their ecosystem partners to introduce a new standard of audience measurement and quality to the global industry, to enable long-overdue innovation and change.”

About Conviva

Conviva is the census, continuous measurement and engagement platform for streaming media. Powered by our patented Stream Sensor™ and Stream ID™, our real-time platform enables marketers, advertisers, tech ops, engineering and customer care teams to acquire, engage, monetize and retain their audiences. Conviva is dedicated to supporting brands like CCTV, DAZN, Disney+, Hulu, Paramount+, Peacock, Sky, Sling TV, TED and WarnerMedia as they unlock the incredible opportunity in streaming media. Today our platform processes nearly 3 trillion streaming data events daily, supporting more than 500 million unique viewers watching 200 billion streams per year across 4 billion applications streaming on devices. Conviva ensures digital businesses of all sizes can stream better—every stream, every screen, every second. To learn more, visit www.conviva.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20211020005928/en/

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