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MPEG LA Issues Statement in Support of MC-IF Fostering Process

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MPEG LA, LLC issued the following statement today:

MPEG LA’s track record of independence, trust and transparency with which we have advanced patent pool licensing for nearly a quarter century speaks for itself. We do not retreat from our objective of striking a balance between patent holders and implementers to make video technologies widely available to the market on reasonable terms consistent with competition guidelines. That is who we are; no rebranding is necessary. As difficult as it may be, the goal of a single VVC patent pool license is a desirable one. While we have now learned that one party no longer takes seriously the Media Coding Industry Forum (MC-IF) process for fostering a single VVC patent pool, MPEG LA believes the MC-IF process should be given every chance to succeed and be taken seriously by an anxious market wishing for a better way. In that spirit, MPEG LA looks forward with confidence to the opportunity to participate.


MPEG LA is the world’s leading provider of one-stop licenses for standards and other technology platforms. Starting in the 1990s, it pioneered the modern-day patent pool helping to produce the most widely used standards in consumer electronics history and is expanding access to other groundbreaking technologies. MPEG LA has operated licensing programs for a variety of technologies consisting of nearly 24,000 patents in 94 countries with some 260 patent holders and more than 6,000 licensees. By assisting users with implementation of their technology choices, MPEG LA offers licensing solutions that provide access to fundamental intellectual property, freedom to operate, reduced litigation risk and predictability in the business planning process. For more information, go to

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