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Siemens Korea Digital Industries Holds 9th Smart NC Contest Award Cere…

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Digital Industries at Siemens Korea awarded students at the 9th Smart NC Contest Award Ceremony held...

Digital Industries (DI) of Siemens Korea (Siemens Ltd. Seoul·SLS) held the 9th Smart Numerical Control (NC) Contest Award Ceremony on July 21 at the Korea Digital Enterprise Experience Center (KDEXc) in Gangnam-gu, Seoul.

This year’s contest was held via an online virtual platform on July 1, with around 100 general high schools and universities which registered for the first time alongside specialized technical schools. The Smart NC Contest participants performed tests of programing skills to decide how a machine tool processes materials. Participating students were evaluated for their understanding, programming, and simulating skills on two drawings of Siemens Sinumerik CNC system’s milling and turn-mill for a university group and milling and turning for a high school group.

14 winners out of 1,119 participants were awarded a total of KRW 14 million in prize money. DoHoon Kwak and Eunjung Kim of Changwon National University were honored with the Minister of Employment and Labor Prize. DoWon Ji of Pyeongtaek Meister High School was awarded the Minister of Education Prize which was newly added this year. Furthermore, the WorldSkills Korea Committee Chairman Prize (2 Winners), Grand Prize (2 Winners), Excellence Prize (2 Winners), and Encouragement Prize (5 Winners) were presented.

“We saw an even more diversified pool of participants coming from a broad variety of majors and studies in different industry fields. This proves that the young talents in Korea are recognizing the importance of Digitalization and getting more and more aware that this change will significantly impact their future jobs and way of working,” said Thomas Schmid, Head of Digital Industries at Siemens Korea. He added “We as Siemens feel fully committed as good corporate citizen of South Korea and technology leader to support future talents in developing the needed skills for the era of digital transformation, and we are proud for the growing pool of our participants not only in quantity but also in quality.”

◇List of Awardees for the 9th Smart NC Contest

△Minister of Employment and Labor Award (2 Winners)
·University DoHoon Kwak (Changwon National University), EunJung Kim (Changwon National University)

△Minister of Education Award (1 Winner)
·High School DoWon Ji (Pyeongtaek Meister High School)

△WorldSkills Korea Committee Chairman Award (2 Winners)
·University HyunJun Lee (Changwon National University)
·High School MinKyu Lee (Samcheonpo Technical High School)

△Grand Award (2 Winners)
·University SeWoong Choi (Changwon National University)
·High School HoSeung Yu (Suwon High-Tech High School)

△Excellence Award (2 Winners)
·University GiDeok Lee (Korea Polytechnics University)
·High School JaeYoung Jo (Samcheonpo Technical High School)

△Encouragement Award (5 Winners)
·University JiYong Lee (Inha University), JangHo Moon (Youngnam University)
·High School SangJun Lee (Pyeongtaek Meister High School), SuHyuk Lee (Pusan Automobile Technical High School), ChanYoung Choi (Cheonbuk Mechanical Technical High School)

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