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HKTB Chairman Welcomes Agreement to Relaunch Bilateral Hong Kong-Singa…

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Dr YK Pang, Chairman of the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB), welcomes the agreement between the Governments of the Hong Kong SAR and Singapore on relaunching the bilateral Hong Kong-Singapore Air Travel Bubble (ATB).

Dr Pang said, “Relaunching the Air Travel Bubble with Singapore is the first step in Hong Kong’s resumption of international travel, and a milestone for preparing the city for gradually welcoming more visitors back. We expect that travellers at the early stage of the launch of the ATB are those who travel for family visits or other essential reasons, and leisure travellers will return successively.”

Meanwhile, the HKTB will continue to work with the tourism-related sectors in enhancing Hong Kong overall anti-epidemic measures in the city, including a standardised hygiene protocol launched last year for hotels, restaurants, transportation, shopping malls, tour operators and other tourism-related sectors, establishing a healthy and safe tourism image for Hong Kong.

Members of the media can download this press release from the HKTB website:

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210426005297/en/

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