레져·여행 관련뉴스

Hong Kong’s Marquee Art Events Return Bigger and Better

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The art industry in Hong Kong may have been shaken by the uncertainty wrought by the pandemic, but a new dawn is approaching, as international travel restrictions are eased in the city. With a busy cultural calendar in May, anchored by perennial stalwarts Art Basel Hong Kong and Christie’s Hong Kong Spring Auctions and a supporting cast of newer starlets, such as M+, French May and Art Central, the Hong Kong art community is poised to be the centre of attention once again.

Ms. Wendy Xu, General Manager, Asia, White Cube Gallery, said, “last year’s art fair was a great success for the gallery, and we are optimistic that this year will be equally fruitful for visitors, collectors and galleries.”

“Hong Kong holds a unique position in the region. Our ambition as a cultural hub is to have a long, bright future together,” said Ms. Adeline Ooi, Director Asia, Art Basel.

Mr. Francis Belin, President, Christie’s Asia Pacific, said, “Asia Pacific, through the hub that we have in Hong Kong today, accounts for about a significant buying contribution that we have at Christie’s.”

“We think Hong Kong has so many advantages, including the free flow of capital, people merchandise and very favorable tax regulations,” Francis added. “We have decided to invest to bring our business model to the next step and open new headquarters in 2024 in Hong Kong in The Henderson building, in the heart of Central, with 50,000 square feet of gallery and office space.”

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220529005089/en/

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