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Apruve Expands Automated Credit & Accounts Receivable Platform in Chin…

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Apruve, a U.S.-based pioneer in long-tail credit and accounts receivable automation for global enterprises, announced today that it has expanded its solutions to the China market.

Apruve enables organizations to reduce the time and resources needed to manage their high-volume smaller accounts. With the expansion of Apruve’s Global Credit Network and the internationalization of the Apruve Payment Platform, global enterprises can now offer customers in China a simplified digital transaction experience while bringing days sales outstanding (DSO) to one day by paying out invoices nightly.

“This past year we’ve seen a significant increase in enterprise customers needing an automated digital payment solution for international markets,” stated Michael Noble, CEO of Apruve. “They’re trying to balance the challenges of intensified business risk and complexity, the transition to managing highly distributed A/R operations and achieving their goals for international growth. By expanding our customizable solutions into China, we’re enabling process efficiencies that help remove some of the primary barriers to doing business in that market.”

The platform enhancements build on Apruve’s credit and A/R capabilities including offering transactions in both Chinese Yen and U.S. dollars, multi-lingual invoices and buyer portals, enhanced control over exchange rates and timing, and localizing invoicing. Apruve’s business process automation programs are deployed in more than 40 countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the European Union.

“Apruve gives companies with international direct sales channels and high-volume, repetitive payments a way to streamline those long-tail transactions, allowing them to recapture their time to focus on high-value customers,” said Noble. “Our flexible currency control, DSO reduction to one day through invoice financing, and multinational capabilities ensure customers quickly see ROI on Apruve solutions.”

About Apruve

Apruve enables large enterprises to automate long-tail credit and A/R so organizations can stop spending 80% of their time and resources on 20% of their revenue. Enterprises that have integrated Apruve are able to decrease DSO to one day, improve customer service, and increase cash flow. To recapture your teams’ time to focus on higher-value driving activities, visit

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