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ECONINE Achieves Top 1% ‘Platinum Medal’ in Corporate Sustainability E…

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SEOUL--(Korea Newswire)--The global ESG consulting firm, ECONINE, has received the highest rating, the Platinum medal, in the 2023 sustainability assessment from EcoVadis, the world’s most influential and trusted sustainability rating agency.

EcoVadis’ Platinum Medal of ECONINE
EcoVadis’ Platinum Medal of ECONINE
EcoVadis is the first sustainability assessment organization that evaluates the environmental and social impact of global suppliers. Its assessments are used to demonstrate a company’s sustainable management and social responsibility, with over 100,000 companies evaluated across 175 countries and over 200 industries.

The evaluation grades are divided into Bronze (top 50%), Silver (top 25%), Gold (top 5%), and Platinum (top 1%). ECONINE has achieved the ‘Platinum Medal,’ placing it in the top 1%. This exceptional result was possible due to a well-balanced high score of 80 points in the areas of environmental, labor and human rights, and ethics.

ECONINE received high praise for implementing policies on carbon emissions and waste management in the environmental sector, emphasizing diversity and fairness in labor and human rights, and effectively adhering to policies and measures related to anti-corruption and information security in the ethics sector.

CEO Uk Seo of ECONINE stated, “Being validated as the first domestic case with ESG management levels in the top 1% among approximately 2,500 global advisory companies holds significance. ECONINE will continue to create a sustainable management advisory service that reflects our experience and achievements in promoting sustainable management as a practicing company in the ESG field.”

Since achieving the Gold Medal in 2022, ECONINE has consistently worked towards social responsibility and sustainable management. The company has actively supported the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), internalized the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and consistently practiced initiatives such as donating 1% of revenue for the global environment. Recently, ECONINE became the first advisory company in the country to voluntarily offset carbon emissions, showcasing a true embodiment of ESG management.

Website: https://econine.kr/en

‘2024 부산국제마케팅광고제’ 기조연설자 페르난도 마차도(Fernando Machado)