연예문화 관련뉴스

The 2nd World Science and Technology Development Forum - A Futuristic …

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Science and technology have always been crucial elements for mankind's development and well-being. The global collaboration in science and technology development is much needed in this current era. “The 2nd World Science and Technology Development Forum” was held in Beijing, China from Nov. 8 to Nov. 9, 2020, with the theme focusing on “Trust, Cooperation, and Development”.

Renowned academicians and experts of multiple international organizations, presidents of universities, and leaders of tech companies attended the forum to discuss the future trends, opportunities, and challenges of global technological development. More than 200 representatives from academic associations, reputable companies, universities, and research institutions in China also attended the forum and gave speeches.

The keynote speeches and high-level dialogues in the event focused on four major topics including:

· Scientific and technological revolution and the evolution of human civilization.
· Regional innovation and innovation policy environment.
· Digital economy and inclusive growth.
· Technological ethics and scientific culture.

The forum promoted the integration of technology and the economy, as well as technological transaction services, so that technological innovation can help promote the sustainable development of mankind. To fulfill the goal of the forum for the joint creation of an international dialogue platform, the videos of “The 2nd World Science and Technology Development Forum” have been placed on YouTube.

The forum received acknowledgment and support from UNESCO, the World Federation of Engineering Organizations, the International Science Council, and the Japan Science and Technology Agency.

The World Science and Technology Development Forum has become an important venue for China's plans and implementation of technological innovation, promotion of science and technology exchanges across the world, overcoming difficulties through collaboration, and joint advancement.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201120005489/en/

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