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Ibsen Scope Is Announcing Grants 2022

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Ibsen Scope Grants 2022 are now applicable for individual artists, theatre companies, institutions and organizations worldwide.

The program amount to a total of NOK 2.000.000,-. (Approx. Euro 205.000,- /USD 248.000,-).

The program offers funding for innovative performing arts projects.

The projects must act as incentives for critical discourses on society related matters and be based on one or more of Henrik Ibsen’s plays.

Applications are submitted through our website, and an appointed jury will evaluate the applications.

For further information, statutes and application form see www.ibsenscope.com

Deadline for applications is December 9th 2021.

The winners of the Ibsen Scope Grants 2022 will be invited to Ibsen Scope Festival at Teater Ibsen in Skien, Norway in May 2022.

Not heard of Ibsen Scope?
We have changed our name.
Ibsen Awards is now Ibsen Scope!
We still look at the world through Henrik Ibsen’s lenses.
We still engage in vivid, critical and artistic discourses on the works and topics potentially raised from his legacy.
We still offer funding for innovative theatre performances - formerly Ibsen Awards Scholarships - now Ibsen Scope Grants.
We still arrange an international theatre festival, meeting point and platform - formerly Ibsen Awards Festival - now Ibsen Scope Festival.

Continue to follow us on our artistic journey worldwide!

Now on www.ibsenscope.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ibsenscope
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ibsenscope/

The Ibsen Scope Grants (formerly Ibsen Awards Scholarships) were initiated by the Norwegian government in 2007 and will be awarded for the 12th time in 2022. Ibsen Scope Grants are now awarded 43 projects in 30 countries. See all winners here: https://ibsenscope.com/grants/winners/

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210928005068/en/

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